Meet the patron saint of sadomasochism. Albert Fish, the granddaddy of the deranged, enjoyed implanting needles in his genitalia, stuffing his asshole with flaming alcohol balls, eating shit, killing children and making stews with their remains. The father of six, Al lost it after his wife left him for another man. Despondent Al asked his kids to beat him with a nail-studded paddle until he bled. He thought that he was Christ and that God had ordered him to castrate boys. This dirty old man from hell enjoyed molesting children of both sexes.
In 1936 he was sentenced to die in Sing Sing. He said, "What a thrill that will be if I have to die in the electric chair. It will be the supreme thrill, the only one I haven't tried." He happily helped his executioners with the electrodes and at first short-circuited the chair because of the twenty needles implanted inside him. After surgically removing the needles they finally gave him the much desired "supreme thrill."